“The world can be a depressing place, but that doesn’t mean TV has to be. Here are some of the most optimistic TV dramas. This article comes from Den of Geek UK. Think of a handful of the most watched and acclaimed dramas of recent years. The Handmaid’s Tale. Game Of Thrones. Chernobyl. They’re not a cheerful bunch, are they? Comedy-drama Orange is the New Black spent much of its final season highlighting the plight of those caught in the United States’ horrifying immigration systems. New Star Trek series Discovery has gone for a dark, gritty feel and some downbeat storylines. Even cute ’90s sitcom Sabrina the Teenage Witch has been re-imagined as dark teen drama The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, in which Sabrina’s aunts encourage her to be baptized into the Church of Night. With the world such a depressing place in general, it can sometimes be hard to get excited about such depressing televisual fare. Of course, there are always sitcoms and reality shows to relieve the misery – we’d recommend The Good Place or Brooklyn Nine-Nine for the former and Queer Eye for the latter, all on Netflix. But sometimes, it’s nice to watch a drama that acknowledges the darkness in life, but embraces an overall optimistic attitude. Here, we’ve collected ten dramas or comedy-dramas that should give you a decent dose of the warm and fuzzies.” The Librarians is named along with shows such as Quantum Leap, Star Trek & Dr. Who Check out the whole list here: https://www.denofgeek.com/us/282984/optimistic-tv-dramas?fbclid=IwAR0kwGeo857UoZNnJb6WGbnFt1H2lyFPPtL8ycAKmd0MtDpLkPfxrw3as0Q