As promised, Christian begins his “TOP 5” once again:

“I did three since I owed ya:
Top 5 Road Trip Distractions.
1) Indian souvenir shops
2) A Great sunset
3) Lakes and rivers
4) Hot chicks with flat tires
5) Mom’s cookin’

Top 5 Things I would like to learn to do
1) Hang glide
2) Learn yet another language
3) Build a motorcycle from scratch
4) Play piano
5) Manage my time
These were off the top of my head

Top 5 Herbs/Spices I like to cook with
1) Garlic powder
2) Cumin
3) Red chile flakes
4) Cayenne
5) And a new one, nutmeg
There are more… but these are a staple. Except nutmeg. Still learning that one.”

Check in here at, on Twitter, and on Facebook for insight into Christian’s favorites and interests. Since he’s got THREE of them this week, this is just about the only place it will all fit. Feel free to break them up and share them elsewhere!