We are disappointed to announce that due to changes in his filming schedule for The Librarians, Christian Kane will no longer be able to attend the Prophecy convention for Rogue Events in Birmingham, England, June 17, 18 & 19. Christian is very disappointed and made every effort to clear his schedule to attend. Unfortunately, it is just not possible. He hopes to make it up at a Rogue event in the near future. Please help spread the word to fellow Kaniacs. 

In positive news for those planning to attend Prophecy, Christian’s good friend, J. August Richards has been added to the guest list for Prophecy. Rogue Events is apparently working hard to find additional guests, although the line up as is seems quite strong. 

Here is a link to the official Rogue website announcement and other news: https://rogueevent.co.uk/wordpress/christian-kane-cancellation-due-filming